Last Updated On June 10th, 2020
Besides beautifying your outdoor space and adding retail value to your property, a garden also benefits the environment. Read on for 7 ways gardening is good Mother Earth!
Reduce pollution
Plants take in carbon dioxide and release oxygen through photosynthesis. The result is cleaner air that is exactly what we humans need to survive! Carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas that traps in heat and is hypothesized to be an agent in climate change.
Reduce carbon footprint
If you are growing your own fruits, vegetables, or herbs, then you’re probably not purchasing these items at the grocery store. The produce at the supermarket usually travels far before it ends up there. By eating food grown from your garden, you are not “buying in” on the negative effects that transporting produce has on the environment.
Cleaner groundwater
Most people don’t know this, but plants help to filter chemicals and bacteria from the water in the ground.
Great for wildlife
Your garden can be a source of food or home for a variety of different animals. It gives insects, birds, reptiles, and other animals, options as hiding places from their predators.
Reduce noise pollution
Trees and plants help to reduce noise pollution by absorbing sound. If you live near a highway or railway, then you should consider planting trees to reduce noise from passing cars or trains.
Reduce erosion
Plant roots and mulch holds the soil in its place and reduce erosions. This keeps unwanted sediment out of streams, roads, and storm drains.
Reduce energy costs
An effective landscape design warms your house in the winter and cools it in the summer. An extremely efficient garden can reduce your energy costs by up to twenty percent! Want to grow an efficient garden? Here’s how:
- Choose the right plants for your yard. That means low-maintenance plants that are best adapted for the climate, soil, and pest population of where you live. These plants are more likely to live through the seasons. For ideas, check out the public gardens and arboretums in your area.
- Don’t go for invasive plants which can grow aggressively and push out native plants. This is because invasive plants did not evolve in your specific area, so they don’t have many natural “enemies.”
- Use plant climbers and wall shrubs on walls and fences to insulate your homes.
- Think paving carefully and keep it to a minimum, using permeable materials. This allows rainwater to get into the soil, rather than flooding over.
Turn barren roofs into green spaces which help to reduce flooding and cool the surface and surrounding air. Before undertaking this feat, however, make sure your roof can handle the added weight.
Organic Gardening Tips
Avoid chemical pesticides and weed killers. These are quite toxic to the environment, animals, and people. Instead of using chemicals, research companion plants that work as pest repellants as well as organic pesticides.
- Compost waste. Instead of artificial fertilisers which pollute the groundwater, use composted garden and kitchen waste instead.
- Attract wildlife. Most animals do not destroy garden plants. However, many do feed on pests and work as a natural pesticide. Make your garden animal-friendly by installing a bug house, bird box, water, and animal-friendly plants.
- Collect rainwater. Gardens need a lot of water, so instead of letting the rainwater go down the drain, collect it and use the rainwater to hydrate your garden.
Gardens help the environment by reducing air and noise pollution, erosion, and energy costs, minimizing carbon footprint, filtering the groundwater, and providing a food and home source for various animals and insects.
You can also read how to exercise while gardening and discover if dehumidifiers help prevent mold.
One Response
Can explain effects of home gardening to environmental protection