Are There Side Effects To Feeding Pumped Out Breast Milk To Newborns?

Last Updated On November 22nd, 2018

Nowadays, many women in America prefer feeding their newborns pumped milk instead of breastfeeding them. This is a new revolution that women have found interesting and beneficial to them and their younger ones. The question that many people are asking is whether there are any side effects associated with pumped milk. Read on to learn more about the possible negative effects to feeding pumped out breast milk to your newborn.

Breastfeeding is essential for the growth and development of a newborn’s jaw and teeth

Studies show that babies who are breastfed are more likely to have a stronger jaw and teeth compared to the ones who were fed pumped out breast milk. Breastfeeding helps babies to exercise their facial muscles and this leads to a stronger jaw as well as facial structure. In addition to a stronger jaw and teeth, breastfeeding also helps babies to develop normal speech and improve the clarity of their speech.

One study suggests that the more you breastfeed your child the lesser the risk that he or she has for use of braces or any other orthodontic treatment. The study further suggests that the number of children requiring orthodontics treatments can be reduced significantly if all the newborns were to be breastfed for at least one year.

Bottle feeding employs a different tongue action compared to breastfeeding. In this regard, bottle feeding your baby may cause him or her to have underdeveloped facial and oral tissues. What’s even worse is the fact that sucking bottle nipples may have some serious effects on the shape of your baby’s facial structure, teeth, jaw, and palate. So, it’s very important to watch the position and the movement of your baby’s tongue when breastfeeding him or her.

Pumped out breast milk is different from breastfeeding

Many women are made to believe that feeding your child pumped out breast milk is equivalent to breastfeeding. If we are being honest, there is a big difference between the two. The idea of feeding the baby breast milk only is recommended for babies who are unable to suckle milk directly from their mother’s breast or are in the neonatal ICU. The problem of adopting this idea is that you won’t be able to develop a breastfeeding relationship between you and your younger one. The most surprising thing is that many mothers are still adopting this new method. As much as there are many benefits of choosing pumped out breast milk, the benefits of breastfeeding are more and worth your time.

Breastfeeding guarantees your baby enough milk

When breastfeeding your child, your body will produce enough milk according to your child’s demand. The mother’s body has the ability to replace the already used milk. On the other hand, the pumped out milk is based on the amount that the mother is able to produce at that particular moment. In fact, some women have problems producing the same amount of milk every day.

Breastfeeding isn’t just important for nutrition, it’s also for comfort and security

Most of the times that you breastfeed your baby they are either hungry or just needs to be comforted. On the other hand, bottle feeding requires you to first prepare the bottle before you attend to your child’s needs.

In addition, the contact between you and your child is very important for their development. One study shows that babies cry less, stay warmer and feel secure when being breastfed. Mothers who choose to breastfeed their babies also increased their likelihood of producing more milk, improved mother to child bonding, and increased confidence in mothering abilities. When bottle feeding your baby, you will be forced to find some extra time to bond with him or her.

Also read: 6 Must Have Breast Pump Accessories

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