Do Baby Monitors Help Prevent SIDS?

Last Updated On November 20th, 2018

Many mothers often ask, “do baby monitors help prevent SIDS?”

The joy of any mother is to have a healthy baby, and also watch them grow to adulthood. Babies are however at risk of many infections and diseases that may lead to death at an early age. Knowing the risk factors and taking precaution is necessary; this will ensure that your baby grows to be a healthy adult.

One of the common diseases that affect young ones is the Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS). It has taken lives of infants at a tender age, but the good news is; it’s preventable. It only requires spending adequate time with your infant and ensuring they are well fed and are safely placed in bed.


Different factors may be at play for different infants. These could be physical or environmental factors. Hence the need to monitor the child closely to prevent SIDS.

  • Some infants, born with less body weight; say, those born prematurely, or for multiple births, may be at higher risk of SIDS. The reason being, some organs may not be fully mature to adopt automatically to the tasks, like breathing, heart rates etc. putting the baby at risk of SIDS.
  • Brain abnormalities, some kids may be born with problems that heighten their chances of dying from SIDS, however, proper examination can be carried out and action taken in time.
  • Respiratory infection; this may cause strain when breathing and the subsequent danger of dying form SIDS due to blockage, or failure to inhale enough oxygen that the body needs.
  • Other causes of early death may arise from the sleeping position a baby is placed. The position may hinder breathing, given that the child isn’t able to move about and clear whatever is in their way, and they end up suffocating to death. The risk is increased by, placing a child to sleep on their stomach or the side, sleeping with their parents; who could roll and block the baby or even suffocated from the soft surface provided by the bedding and placing the baby to sleep on a fluffy comforter that could block their airway.

Risk factors

Factors that fasten the death of an infant from SIDS include;

  • Age; infants are more likely to die from SIDS that other kids, this especially includes those in their first three months of life.
  • Sex; male infants are at more risk of sudden infant death syndrome as opposed to female infants.
  • Family history; where a family has a history of kids dying of SIDS, an infant born to the family is at much risk of the condition.
  • Prematurity; kids born prematurely may be at risk; since their organs may not be fully developed which makes them vulnerable to infections.
  • Smoking parents; smoking affects the respiratory system, exposing an infant to such an environment will heighten the risk of SIDS.


It’s quite saddening to learn of the risks that infants face, however, it’s a relief to know that there is at least something you can do to avoid their early death and lengthen the lifespan of your infant child. Here is how;

1. Putting the child to bed

Make sure you place the infant to sleep on their back. This provides a clear means of breathing, without much hindrance. In case you are not tending to the child yourself, insist on how they should be placed.

2. Avoid sleeping with the infant

You may view it as safe since you can just turn and monitor them anytime, but it could be risky as well. Place them in their crib, as close as you can from you or where you can check on them easily. It’s advisable that you sleep in the same room for at least the first six months.

3. Crib’s safety

Use a firm mattress for the crib. This way, there are no fluffy corners that could easily suffocate the child when they roll. On the other hand, use a light blanket that is properly tucked under the mattress and leave enough room for breathing while tucking the child to sleep. Then remove any pillows or toys that may be in the crib.

4. Breastfeed your child up to six months, use of pacifiers, and baby monitors

Breastfeeding lowers the risk of SIDS since it enhances the health of the child. Offering a pacifier may also be helpful. However, avoid using baby monitors, as they may pose more threats to your child.

Now that observing the child keenly is a major way of preventing SIDS, it is obvious that baby monitors help prevent SIDS. Make the effort of closely monitoring your child through a baby monitor so as to see more happy days in the future. It only requires a little more commitment and very little investment to ensure your child sees tomorrow.

Also see: Do Baby Monitors Emit Radiation?

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